Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
155767 Actualités Scientifiques des Hautes-Alpes 1254-5066
155768 Cultivar Montbéliarde 1777-7178
155769 In Vivo - Ecole doctorale ABIES
155770 IFAVA Scientific Newsletter
155771 PAAT Technical and Scientific Series 1020-7163
155772 Le
155773 Top Trot
155774 Agrovet Buzz 2320-5784
155775 Zeitmagazin 0720-5023
155776 Revista Latinoamericana de Sociología Rural 0717-1293
155777 Clextrusion
155778 CAFRI - Current Agriculture, Food and Resource Issues
155779 Bordeaux Culture 1766-2850
155780 Revue Polytechnique 0374-4256
155781 Revista Ciencia Forestal en México 1405-3586
155782 Cahiers itinéraires d'ITV France 1626-5963
155783 MEA Bulletin
155784 Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives 0251-1894
155785 Fauna of Arabia 1660-2889
155786 Citizen Participation in Science and Technology Newsletter
155787 Résussir Bovins Viande 0996-5084
155788 Lettre des Labos de l'INRA
155789 Microbiology Monographs 1862-5576
155790 Annuaire des Sociétés Civiles de Placement Immobilier 0987-5557
155791 European Magazine Agriculture
155792 ICFAI Journal of Risk and Insurance 0972-933X
155793 Alimentation, Agriculture, Espaces Ruraux  1961-8913
155794 Suis 1699-7867
155795 Univers Maoré 1779-5370
155796 Eleveur de Lapins 0220-5149
155797 Krmiva 0023-4850
155798 Lettre d'Information Biotechnocentre
155799 Arboriculture en Val de Loire 2109-2974
155800 Réflexions Ophtalmologiques 1274-5243
155801 Le Dauphiné Libéré 0220-8261
155802 EuroSpirit 1776-2383
156306 Bulletin d'Information du Pôle Fromager AOC Massif Central 2101-681X
156307 Lettre - Groupe Français de la WPSA
156308 Abeille et le Miel 0761-0734
156309 Revista de la Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físico-Químicas y Naturales de Zaragoza 0370-3207
156310 Meat International 0924-7068
156311 Boletin de la Asociacion Espanola de Entomologia 0210-8984
156312 Bulletin de la Fédération Nationale des Syndicats Agricoles des Cultivateurs de Champignons 0430-2486
156313 Khoa Hoc Thu Y 1859-4751
156314 Bétail et Viande 1253-7365
156315 Revista de la Bolsa de Comercio de Rosario 0326-2308
156316 Bretagne Eau Pure Actualités 1281-2439
156317 Revista Forestal Centroamericana 1021-0164
156318 Food Testing and Analysis 1084-5984
156319 Echo des Alpages 0767-0370
156320 Biochemica 0946-1310
161736 International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
161738 Fire Safety Journal
161740 Radiation Research
161741 ATW - Internationale Zeitschrift fur Kernenergie
161743 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
161749 Sciences Po - Centre de Sociologie des Organisations (CSO)
161750 International Indigenous Policy Journal
161753 Prime Archives in Cancer Research 9788194466444 Heidari A, Hyderabad, India, Vide Leaf
161754 JSW - Journal of Software 1796-217X Published by International Academy Publishing
161758 Cahiers du centre Interdisciplinaire de méthodologie
161760 Ciência Geografica 1413-7461 ASSOCIAÇÃO DOS GEÓGRAFOS BRASILEIROS
161764 International Education Studies 1913-9020
161766 Philology 2297-2625 Peter Lang
161767 apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania]
161768 Finance
161769 International Journal of Business and Technology Studies and Research
161772 Artpress 0245-5676 Art Press
161775 CCS Chemistry 2096-5745 Chinese Chemical Society
161776 Armed Forces & Society 0095-327X
161777 New essays on Leibniz reception in philosophy of science 1800-2000
161782 Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia (Russian-language) 1563-0102
161784 INRAE Productions Animales 2824-3633 INRAE
161787 Revue juridique Pothier Centre de Recherche Juridique Pothier (CRJP). Université d'Orléans [2004]
161788 Open Ceramics 2666-5395 Elsevier
161790 cahiers de recherches sociologiques 1923-5771 Athéna éditions
161792 L'Esprit du Judo
161794 Literatur für Leser 0343-1657 Peter Lang
161796 Whatever. A Transdisciplinary Journal of Queer Theories and Studies Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca Queer Universita di Pisa
161798 Альманах права 2524-017X
161800 Jahrbuch der Grillparzer-Gesellschaft 1022-744X Bergland Verlag
161802 Proceedings of the 13th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems
161803 The Qualitative Report 1052-0147 NSUWorks
161804 Shagi / Steps 2412-9410 School of Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Institute for Social Sciences - Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
161805 Revista Educação, Artes e Inclusão
161806 FUDMA Journal of Sciences 2645-2944 Federal University Dutsin-Ma
161808 The Lancet Public Health 2468-2667
161810 Politique étrangère
161811 Oxford Literary Review 0305-1498
161814 Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation 2147-1339 UCTEA Chamber of Surveying and Cadastre Engineers, Turkey
161816 Recent Trends in Fluid Mechanics 2455-1961 STM Journals
161820 Puriq 2707-3602 Edgar Gutiérrez Gómez
161821 Revista Vórtex 2317-9937 Universidade Estadual do Paraná
161822 International Journal of Hematology-Oncology and Stem Cell Research
161823 Archives of Clinical Infectious Diseases
161824 Journal of Family and Reproductive Health 1735-8949 Vali–e–Asr Reproductive Health Research Center
161825 Multidisciplinary Cancer Investigation 2476-4922
161827 SFRA Review 2641-2837 Science Fiction Research Association
161832 Le Renouveau. Presse régionale protestante, consistoire réformé de Moselle